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Sinomenine 98%
Sinomenine Assay: 98% CAS: 115-53-7 Molecular Formula:
post: bthriving

Matrine 98%
Matrine (Botanic source insecticide-from the root of the S
post: bthriving

Fisetin 10%
Smoketree P. E. Active Ingredient: Fisetin Part used: St
post: bthriving
schisandra chinensis p. e .

Schisandrins 2%
Schisandra Chinensis P. E . Original Plant: Fruit of Schisa
post: bthriving

Naringenin 98%
Product Name : Naringenin Latin Name : Naringenin Molecu
post: bthriving
echinacea herb p. e.

Polyphenols 4%
Product name Echinacea Herb P. E. Latin name Echinacea Her
post: bthriving
siberian gingseng p. e

eleutheroside 0. 8%
Product name siberian gingseng p. E Latin name siberian gi
post: bthriving
apple extract

Polyphenols 75%
Product Name: Apple P. E., Apple Extract Plant resources:
post: bthriving
ginger p. e.

Gingerols 5%
Product name Ginger P. E. Latin name Ginger P. E. Active
post: bthriving
horse chest nut p.e.

Aescin 20%
Horse Chest Nut P.E. Product Name Horse Chest Nut P.E. Bo
post: bthriving
st. john's wort p. e.

Hypericins 0. 3%
Product name St. John's Wort P. E. Latin name St. John's W
post: bthriving
marigold p.e.

Lutein 20%
Marigold P.E. Product Name: Lutein Latin Name: Tagetes e
post: bthriving
milk thistle extract

Silymarin 80%
Products Name: Milk Thistle Extract Latin Name: Silybummar
post: bthriving
coenzyme q10

Coenzyme Q10 98%
Coenzyme Q10 is a non-specific immune intensifier, which tak
post: bthriving
tribulus terrestris powder extract

Saponins 40%
Tribulus Terrestris Powder Extract Product Description N
post: bthriving
kudzu root p.e.

Puerarin 80%
Product Name: Kudzu Root P.E. Botanical Source: Pueraria lo
post: bthriving
white willow bark p . e .

Salicin 98%
White Willow Bark P . E . Product Name: White Willow Bark P
post: bthriving
red clover p . e .

Isoflavones 8%
Red Clover P . E . Product Name: Red Clover P.E. Botanica
post: bthriving
ginkgo biloba p . e .

24% 6%
Ginkgo Biloba P . E . Product Name: Ginkgo Biloba P.E. Bo
post: bthriving
hawthorn leaf p. e.

Vitex-2 rhamnoside 1. 8%
Botanical Name: Hawthorn leaf P. E Appearance: Yellow brow
post: bthriving
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